Commentary | A Christian Science Perspective
- Honorable service that glorifies God
As we accept God’s redeeming love, we find freedom from lingering effects of trauma and regret – and a way forward.
- Overcoming illusions
Knowing the truth of our spiritual existence enables us to conquer discord.
- A ‘single-eyed’ view
As we come to understand God as the one true Mind, we discover more of our dominion over distractions and our innate ability to focus.
- All are winners
In God, this poem conveys, there are no winners and losers – we’re all divinely equipped with the innate grace, strength, and goodness we need to thrive.
- The awakening that heals
An openness to the idea that reality isn’t necessarily what it seems to be – is spiritual, not material – brings a spiritual awareness that restores health.
- A redeeming forgiveness
There’s an alternative to letting anger or resentment drive our lives: opening our hearts to God’s love, which redeems and heals.
- Finding the real cause
Seeing God, or good, as the one true cause of everything that really exists brings healing.
- It has to be Love
Beyond partisan divides, God’s law of love is always active, uplifting all with grace, peace, and harmony, as this poem conveys.
- Blessedness that brings lasting joy
Happiness that’s dependent on circumstance can be fleeting – but when we look to God, Spirit, as the source of infinite good for all, we find a deeper, more permanent peace and joy.
- Elections – making a choice
Where does power truly belong, during an election period and beyond?
- Embracing change: A spiritual approach
As we come to know that God’s goodness is perpetual, we rejoice in our forward steps and experience blessings along the way.
- What am I looking at?
Healing comes as we see ourselves the way God sees us: spiritual and whole.
- Watching grass grow
Recognizing everyone’s true nature as inherently good – the way God made us – empowers us to engage productively rather than with anxiety and anger, even during polarizing election seasons.
- From anger to peace
Gaining an understanding of God as Love enables us to move past anger and find real unity and progress.
- The angels we need
Even when God’s messages to us aren’t what we think we want to hear, only good comes from listening and obeying.
- Our spiritual location – permanent and safe
Glimpsing that our real home is within divine Love brings healing.
- Who are you?
As we understand that our identity is created, shaped, and maintained by divine Spirit, our purpose and fulfillment come into clearer view.
- What really gives us life?
Getting to know God, divine Spirit, as our entirely good creator frees us from physical limitations, as a man experienced when faced with deteriorating eyesight.
- Decisions that heal and bless
As children of the all-powerful God, we have the freedom and ability to make wise choices.
- Standing among children of God
As we become more conscious of everyone’s true, spiritual identity as God’s child, we see that the harmony and safety we need are always at hand.