Putin croons like Sinatra: Top 7 marquee moments

We all know how Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin loves sport, and also loves to show off his abilities as a sportsman. But he's also shown a gentler side, one willing to grace a stage and croon like Frank Sinatra.

Animal hunter

RIA Novosti/AP/File
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, right, takes measurements of a tranquilized polar bear during a visit to a research institute at the Franz Josef Land archipelago in the Arctic Ocean on April 29.

Lions and tigers and bears don't frighten Putin.

He has shot a Siberian tiger with a tranquilizer gun, released leopards into a wildlife sanctuary, and come hand-to-paw with the world's biggest bears.

In April, he attached a satellite-tracking collar on a tranquilized polar bear in Franz Josef Land, an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean off the northwest coast of Russia's mainland. Wearing a bright red coat and cap, Putin reportedly helped elevate the beast for weighing, measure its length, and roll it onto its side.

On his departure, according to the Associated Press, he shook its paw and uttered the words: "Be well."

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