School bans Facebook for a week: five lessons students learned

5. Social media: not one-size-fits-all

Business Wire
Hey, LinkedIn might be better than Facebook.

A number of students and professors discovered that by trying to do too much on one social media site, they missed out on the advantages of other tools.

Business students, for instance, had tried to collaborate on assignments on Facebook before the blackout week, and discovered much better ways to manage their projects when forced to look for alternatives.

Professor Palmer realized that what he missed most when cut off from social media were the insightful responses from professional counterparts via Twitter posts. So when he went back online, he scaled back his Facebook usage and spent more time forging those professional connections on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Likewise, a number of students who hadn’t explored much beyond Facebook discovered that they’d have a better chance of finding future jobs by maintaining a professional presence on a site like LinkedIn, rather than simply highlighting their accomplishments alongside whimsical, social posts on Facebook.

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