Hurricane Earl: Five things you should do to prepare

Hurricane Earl is possibly coming to the East Coast Labor Day weekend. Preparing for the storm is crucial, emergency experts say.

5. Have an emergency plan

Lynne Sladky/AP/file
Gas stations can be closed as hurricanes approach, as this one in the Florida Keys was before hurricane Ike in 2008.

Having an emergency plan will cut down on panic in the event of a hurricane warning. A plan can involve outlining where each family member will be during the storm or deciding to meet at a relative’s home that is located away from the storm.

Families with pets, infants, or elderly members should discuss what additional items they need for an emergency situation.

FEMA emphasizes the importance of having a central place for family members to unite. Ideally, you could find a location close to home as well as an alternate, safer location. You should also make sure that the gas tank is half full during a hurricane, so you can leave quickly, taking all your emergency kits along with you.

“Everybody needs to have an original hurricane plan before the season begins,” said Feltgen. “Everyone’s plan needs to be different, dependent on their needs.”

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