'Girl Meets World': Trailer nails 'Boy Meets World' nostalgia

The trailer of the new Disney network show 'Girl Meets World' – the spin-off of the 1990s ABC series 'Boy Meets World' – has lit up the web, getting adults excited to re-visit their teen years as Cory and Topanga become parents.

Screenshot from YouTube
The trailer for the new Disney show 'Girl Meets World' shows the character of Cory Matthews (played by Ben Savage) as he talks with his daughter Riley (Rowan Blanchard) and her friend Maya (Sabrina Carpenter).

If you were a tween or a teen in the 90s, you remember 'Boy Meets World' on ABC in all of its coming of age sitcom glory. You followed the life and love story of lead character Cory Matthews (played by Ben Savage) and his girlfriend (later wife) Topanga Lawrence (Danielle Fishel), and you laughed along with antics of his best friend Rider Strong (Shawn Hunter) and their families and friends.

The show lasted seven seasons, from 1993 until 2000, and earned a legion of fans, who filled up Facebook and Twitter feeds Thursday with a collective "SQUEEEE!!!" at the release of the trailer for "Girl Meets World," Disney's new spin-off of the popular sitcom. There was much rejoicing online, similar to this:

As BuzzFeed describes, "The trailer features a very fatherly Cory Matthews (Ben Savage), scolding his daughter Riley (Rowan Blanchard) and her best friend Maya (Sabrina Carpenter), aka the new Shawn Hunter."

At the end of the trailer, mom Topanga (still played by Ms. Fishel) walks in to join Cory at his side as his wife and Riley's mom.

I watched the trailer and I will admit I was a little nostalgic (I was in eighth grade when "Boy Meets World" launched), but I was more amazed at the brilliant marketing behind the spin-off. As a generation of new parents watch characters we watched as teens become parents themselves, Disney is perfectly targeting adults and teens with this new show, playing the nostalgia card and hoping to strike gold again by playing the two audiences together. 

Whether you watch it or not, the trailer is enough of a flashback to give you a little taste of the shows you loved to watch as a teen.

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