The top 10 monkeys

There are 264 known monkey species. Here are the best ones.

1. The Mandrill: The best monkey ever


Blue and red ridged thing on its face? Check. Tie-dyed looking backside that wouldn't look out of place at an Allman Brothers show? Check. Ginormous fangs? Check.

Weighing almost 80 lbs, and standing at three feet, the mandrill is the largest species of monkey. But despite being huge and colorful, Mandrills, who live in the rainforests of Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and Congo, are actually quite reclusive. Yes, they have those huge canines, but baring them is typically a friendly gesture among mandrills.

Mandrills spend most of their time on the ground, foraging for fruit, nuts, insects, and small lizards. Their cheeks have built in pouches so that they can store their food for later. At night, they sleep in trees, selecting a different tree each evening.

Mandrills are threatened. Considered a delicacy in some African cultures, these colorful beasts are often hunted as bushmeat.

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