JCPenney is selling merchandise for...a penny

The 'Get Your Penney's Worth' campaign will roll out 'Penney Days' sales on private label items throughout the year — knocking many items to quite literally a penny. Here's what you need to know to get the deal.

Jason DeCrow/Invision for JCPenney/AP/File
Actress and singer Kristin Chenoweth partners with JCPenney to launch their new Get Your Penney's Worth campaign, Wednesday, March 2, 2016 in New York.

JCPenney has experienced some difficulties in recent years, even going so far as to close 40 of their stores in 2015. But after a better-than-expected fourth quarter, the retailer is launching a new program in order to appeal to the "modern mom."

The so-called "Get Your Penney's Worth" campaign will roll out "Penney Days" sales on private label items throughout the year — knocking many items to quite literally a penny. Here's what you need to know to get the deal.

In-Store and Online, But Only for This First Deal

Though this first round of "Penney Days" is available both in-store and online, future promotions will feature select in-store only items for one cent with no additional purchase required. There's no set schedule for the promotions — they'll be featured periodically — so savvy shoppers will need to keep an eye out for the upcoming events.

The first promotion in the campaign kicked off this past Sunday, and runs through this Saturday. It provides customers the option to purchase a regular-price Arizona brand apparel or accessory item, and then purchase another Arizona apparel or accessory item for a penny.

Look for the #SoWorthIt Hashtag to Learn About Upcoming Sales

According to Mary Beth West, chief customer and marketing officer for JCPenney, the department store wants to make sure every shopping experience is worth the time, effort, and money the customer puts into it. In order to promote the program, JCPenney will launch a social media campaign that will use the hashtag #SoWorthIt. Customers should look for this hashtag in order to know when a new "Penney Days" promotion is coming up.

This article first appeared in DealNews.

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