Ford Escape recall affects 10,000 cars. Is yours on the list?

Ford Escape recall involves certain 2013 models with a carpeting issue that could affect breaking.  Owners with cars affected by the Ford Escape recall can have the problem repaired for free. 

Brian Bohannon/AP/File
The 2013 Ford Escape sits on display outside the Louisville Assembly Plant Wednesday, June 13, 2011 in Louisville, Ky. A Ford Escape recall scheduled to begin July 23, 2012 affects Escape models with a breaking issue.

Ford is conducting a voluntary safety recall of certain 2013 model-year Escape compact crossovers over concerns that carpet padding mispositioned during installation may interfere with braking.

A notice on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) site lists the number of vehicles potentially affected in the U.S. at 8,266. Affected vehicles were built at the Louisville Assembly Plant from March 8, 2012 through June 7, 2012.

The problem

According to documentation from Ford (PDF), carpet padding may have been incorrectly positioned during installation on some 2013 Escape crossovers. This mispositioning of the padding may result in the center console trim panel being pushed outboard of the intended position, thus reducing clearance relative to the pedal package.

A possible consequence is that the driver’s foot could contact the side of the brake pedal while transferring the foot from the accelerator pedal to the brake pedal. This increases stopping distance and the risk of a crash.

Ford said that the accelerator pedal function is not affected by this condition.  The automaker said it has not received any field reports of increased stopping distance for this issue.

What Ford will do

Ford will notify owners by mail, instructing them to bring their vehicles to a Ford or Lincoln dealer to have the carpet padding removed and the left-side console trim panel replaced with a new panel that has a revised surface contour. The service will be at no charge to owners. The safety recall is expected to begin July 23, 2012.

In the meantime, owners of affected 2013 Ford Escape crossovers with any questions or concerns may contact Ford at 1-866-436-7332.  Reference the Ford recall campaign number 12S34.

Alternatively, owners of vehicles involved in the campaign may contact the NHTSA’s Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1-888-327-4236 or go to  Reference the NHTSA campaign ID No. 12V319000.

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