CRIMEAN PRESIDENT OFFERS A DEAL The president of Crimea offered a compromise to his enemies in parliament yesterday, saying he would reverse his declaration of presidential rule if lawmakers would reverse a vote to strip him of his powers. Parliamentary leaders welcomed the concept of compromise, but gave no immediate response. President Yuri Meshkov Sunday had declared presidential rule and then sent members of his presidential guard to seal off the locked parliament building. Lawmakers responded by accusing him of a coup. In May, Mr. Meshkov and the pro-Russian lawmakers jointly took Crimea to the brink of civil war by adopting a constitution that Ukrainian authorities viewed as tantamount to a declaration of independence. Slow word on arrest

A dissident's wife said yesterday in Beijing that police had finally confirmed that her husband is in custody, more than three months after his arrest.

Chu Hailan said she received verbal confirmation last week, but Chinese police refused to give her any other information about her husband, Liu Nianchun, who was arrested May 28. He was among at least 17 dissidents arrested, or who have disappeared, since February. Contrary to regulations, families in most cases were not notified.

Gore invites unionists

Vice President Al Gore Jr. has asked politicians from Northern Ireland who back continued links with Britain to come to Washington for talks about the peace process in the province, Irish government officials said yesterday. Mr. Gore told Irish Prime Minister Albert Reynolds of the invitation to unionist leaders during a weekend telephone call.

Meanwhile, a bomb planted by Protestant extremists from Northern Ireland exploded at a Dublin train station and two people were injured, police said yesterday. `Domestic' bill vetoed

California Gov. Pete Wilson (R) vetoed a measure Sunday that would have given unmarried partners some of the rights afforded married couples. The domestic partners measure would have been the first such state law in the nation. Supporters said it would help elderly couples who do not get married for fear of losing Social Security or pension benefits. Opponents claimed it sought to advance the homosexual lifestyle, although it would have applied to heterosexual couples as well.

N. Korea notes progress

North Korea said yesterday in Berlin some progress has been made in talks with the US on switching its nuclear technology to a new variety that would almost rule out the production of atomic weapons. It also hinted it could be pressing for a new German reactor still to enter production instead of getting equipment from South Korea. Parallel with the Berlin talks, in Pyongyang the two countries are discussing the setting up of liaison offices in each other's capital. They will come together again in Geneva for umbrella negotiations Sept. 23.

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