Readers write: ‘Mister Rogers’ thoughts, garden misadventures

Letters to the editor for the Oct. 15, 2018 weekly magazine.

Gene J. Puskar/AP
Fred Rogers rehearses for the opening of his PBS show 'Mister Rogers' Neighborhood' during a taping in Pittsburgh in 1989.

‘Mister Rogers’ thoughts

The Sept. 24 Mix column “How Canada influenced ‘Mister Rogers’ ” was such a warm and helpful article! It reminded me that we are never truly happy or satisfied until we are living our genuine, authentic, unique selfhood as a child of God. Fred Rogers certainly did this every day of his life, even when the cameras were not rolling. His sincere living of kindness, caring, and moral values communicated to his young audience ideals that went far beyond words and will last far beyond TV shows. He was true to himself, and his greatest gift was the gentle, caring life he lived and demonstrated every day to children watching. We are all blessed by his example and richer for the experience. May we all take his lead and do the same.

Karen Neff

Mystic, Conn.

Garden misadventures

I laughed all the way through Gail Russell Chaddock’s Aug. 20 & 27 Home Forum essay, “Notes to my garden denizens.” We all need the joy of laughter, and having this to share is so wonderful. In fact, I found this entire issue of the Monitor outstanding. Thanks to each and every person bringing us this news magazine. It’s truly “news” in the highest sense.

Carolyn Hill

Portland, Ore.

The Home Forum essay by Gail Russell Chaddock was hilarious! Voles? Moose? “Snakes in the basement” sounds like a movie title. Thanks for the pleasure of your writing. Excellent tone. Excellent topic. 

Bill Hunt


I absolutely loved Gail Russell Chaddock’s Home Forum essay, “Notes to my garden denizens” – everything about it. Living in rural Maine, I sympathize with all the plant and animal issues. Best of all is the humor, and I love your writing. Thanks so much!

Camille MacKusick

Southport, Maine

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