Is it too late to register to vote? Depends where you live.
With the struggle between businessman Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton coming down to the wire, who wouldn’t want to have a say in this year’s historic election?
The deadline to register to vote in November’s election has passed in some states, but in many states, registration is still open. For some southern states, registration deadlines were extended due to hurricane Matthew, with state officials hoping that extending the deadlines will allow more people to participate.
In Florida, where officials have already extended deadlines once, Judge Mark E. Walker set a date for a hearing to determine whether or not registration should be kept open still longer.
"It has been suggested that the issue of extending the voter registration deadline is about politics. Poppycock," he wrote. "This case is about the right of aspiring eligible voters to register and to have their votes counted. Nothing could be more fundamental to our democracy."
Some readers may have already missed their chance: If you live in Alaska, Arizona, Mississippi, or Rhode Island and you are not registered to vote, you are out of luck.
Many others, however, still have a chance to register if they hurry to local Registries of Motor Vehicles, town clerks offices, and in some states, simply go online.
Twelve states and the District of Columbia have registration deadlines, but also allow voters to register on the day of the election. These states include Colorado, Illinois, and Vermont, among others.
In Nevada, mail-in registration forms must be postmarked Oct. 8, but voters can register until Oct.18 if they choose to register in person. In Washington state, voters can register in person until the end of October, and although registration deadlines have passed in Hawaii, early voters can register on the day that they vote between Oct. 25 and Nov. 5.
Tuesday, Oct. 11 is the voter registration deadline for at least twelve states, including Texas, Michigan, and Ohio. Although South Carolina voters hoping to register online missed their deadline by two days, applications postmarked through Oct. 11 will be accepted.
The next few days – from Wednesday, Oct. 12 to Saturday, Oct. 15 – mark registration deadlines for a number of states, from Missouri on Oct. 12 to Delaware on Oct. 15.
Some states allow voters to register online or on site until election day, but for most voters, registering sooner rather than later is preferable.