Carmageddon hits Los Angeles: Five ways to cope

5. Become a 'Wazer'
A new smartphone app called Waze may help drivers find routes around traffic by following other drivers.

"I always knew someone would invent something like this,” says bartender Wally Bechtel. “This company couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity to get its name out there and really help people at the same time they are marketing themselves.”

He’s talking about new, free app – available at – which tracks the movement of over 180,000 so-called "Wazers" in real time, to direct each to quicker routes through the L.A. area.

Mr. Bechtel is convinced the free app is better than existing GPS devices and news sites that monitor traffic conditions with freeway sensors and mounted cameras, because other systems don't collect information from side streets.

“Everybody is saying stay away from the center of this shutdown for two days, but I’m going to head directly into it, just to see where this gadget takes me,” he says.

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