News brief

Associated Press

New York City enforces migrant eviction rule. New York City is stepping up its efforts to push migrants out of its overwhelmed shelters as it begins enforcing a new rule that limits some adult asylum-seekers to a month in the system before they have to find a bed on their own. Migrant adults must now move out of the hotels, tent complexes, and other shelter facilities run by the city and find other housing after 30 days, unless they provide proof of “extenuating circumstances.” As of May 22, Mayor Eric Adams’ office said 192 migrants had applied for an extension, and 118 had been approved. 

New York is mobilizing to connect migrants with open jobs in an effort to ease the financial crunch of supporting thousands of newcomers in government care.

When Eric Adams won the New York City mayorship, no one anticipated that a migrant crisis would define his early years. His handling of the influx has transformed him into a national voice on immigration.