Healed during church

Exhausted and ill during a strenuous work trip, one woman went to a Wednesday evening service at a local Christian Science church. There, she found the inspiration, peace, and healing she’d been looking for.

Christian Science Perspective audio edition
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I was traveling for work and was scheduled to be on the road for nine weeks straight with almost no time off. The strenuous schedule left little time for rest. A month in, I was exhausted and coughing a great deal. Swallowing and speaking were very painful. I prayed earnestly about this as I had learned to do in Christian Science, but while there was improvement, the symptoms continued. I struggled to keep up with the work and travel. I felt alone, separated from God, and in need of spiritual inspiration, reassurance, and, most of all, healing.

When a colleague and I arrived in New York City one Wednesday, more than anything, I wanted to hear the Word of Truth voiced. I knew that listening to and accepting the Christ, Truth, would bring me the peace and healing I needed. And I was confident I would find all of that in the Wednesday evening testimony meeting at a nearby Church of Christ, Scientist. I went to church to be healed.

As I walked up the church steps, I was overcome by coughing. I still remember the loving and supportive face of the usher as he helped me inside, even though I could not speak to him at that moment.

Christian Science testimony meetings include readings chosen from the Bible and from “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered Christian Science; hymns; and an open period when attendees can share inspiration and healings they’ve experienced through Christian Science. I don’t recall what was read that evening or what testimonies were shared. What I do recall is feeling enveloped by a deep sense of divine Love. And I felt reassured that I was safe, loved, and at home. I was unable to sing the first two hymns, but during the last one I realized with immense gratitude that I was singing with no discomfort and no cough.

The atmosphere in that church was conducive to healing, and I was healed during that sacred hour. I am so grateful to those dear church members whose selfless prayers for the congregation and affirmation of the healing efficacy of Christian Science met my need. This experience was a reminder that Christian Science churches are here to heal, and that healings do not have to be long and drawn out.

Earlier that day when I’d felt so ill, I’d reluctantly agreed to meet my colleague for dinner after church. When I arrived at the restaurant, she said in amazement, “What happened to you? You’re well!” And I was. I ate the meal with no discomfort and spoke freely with no struggle. She commented throughout dinner that she’d never seen anyone recover in just one hour from the symptoms I’d had.

That was the end of the challenge. The feelings of loneliness and separation from God were also wiped out that same evening. I finished the remaining weeks in perfect health, enjoying the rest of my time away from home.

Adapted from a testimony published in the July 15, 2019, issue of the Christian Science Sentinel.

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