US cuts aid to Pakistan: Six key questions

The Obama administration has announced that it is suspending, and in some cases ending, millions of dollars in aid to the Pakistani military.

What would US cutbacks look like?

Of the approximately $800 million in aid that will be put on hold or cut, a large chunk of it was allotted to reimbursing Pakistan for costs incurred by deploying its soldiers along the Afghan border, the New York Times reported. Hundreds of millions would have gone to training assistance and hardware.

Another portion is for equipment – rifles, ammunition, and body armor, among other things – that the US intended to send there until recently, when Pakistan rejected it. Some is in the form of equipment that can only be given to Pakistan if it allows the US personnel needed to operate the equipment to enter the country, which it hasn't.

Pakistani officials claim the curtails and cuts will have little impact on their military operations.

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