The evolution of sexual harassment awareness

6. President Bill Clinton/Paula Jones

Andy Nelson/Staff; Charles Tasnadi/AP
President Bill Clinton's statements in depositions for Paula Jones's sexual harassment case against him led to his impeachment.

Despite being the object of a lawsuit and impeached by the House of Representatives, then-President Bill Clinton developed a reputation as the “Teflon president” for his imperviousness to the repercussions of scandal.

The sexual harassment lawsuit brought against Mr. Clinton in 1994 by former Arkansas state employee Paula Jones never went to trial because of her failure to show any damages. After the dismissal of the lawsuit was appealed, Clinton settled with Ms. Jones out of court in 1998 and paid her and her lawyers $850,000, according to court documents.

During the depositions for the Jones case, Clinton was questioned about his relationships with employees. He denied having a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. He was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice, and subsequently impeached on those grounds by the House of Representatives, but not by the Senate.

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