Senate's 16 new members arrive on Capitol Hill: Who are they?

Starting this Monday, the Senate welcomes 16 fresh faces to the Capitol’s marbled halls.

Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut

Stephan Savoia/AP
Connecticut Sen.-elect Richard Blumenthal answers reporter questions Nov. 3 in Hartford, Conn.

In one of the more expensive races per voter, Democrat Richard Blumenthal defeated Republican Linda McMahon in the open race for Democrat Christopher Dodd’s seat. Mr. Blumenthal won seven out of eight Connecticut counties, despite spending one-fifth as much as Ms. McMahon, whose campaign totaled $40 million plus. McMahon, the wife of WWE professional wrestling CEO Vince McMahon, said money was no object in her campaign. "It's money I've earned. It's money I'm willing to invest," she told ABC's Good Morning America this summer. In politics since 1977, Blumenthal served most recently as Connecticut’s attorney general since 1991.

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