The 10 weirdest political ads of 2010

1. And the winner for this year's weirdest political ad is . . .

If you live in Florida's 17th Congressional District and you want to be represented by someone who knows his way around an MRI scanner and the Auto-Tune function on GarageBand, then this is your man, as long as you can remember his name.

Honorable mention!

Most politicians put their feet in their own mouths, but not Sam Katz. We didn't include this one in our list for two reasons: First, it's for a mayoral race in a place called Winnipeg, which, if Wikipedia is any guide, is located somewhere outside the United States. Second, we couldn't verify that this as is, you know, real. But here it is anyway.

According to the Toronto Star, the kid was fine. As for Sam Katz, he got a yellow card.

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