Michele Bachmann, Rand Paul, and 8 others shaking up the new Congress

Because this House freshman class - 96 strong, including 87 Republicans - is the largest since 1992, those who speak for them, or claim to, have a leg up. Here are ten to watch.

5. Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D) of Maryland

Charles Dharapak/AP Photo
Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D) of Maryland

Respected on both sides of the aisle for honesty and conspicuous good nature, Representative Van Hollen led the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for the past two election cycles, but avoided a reputation as a pure partisan.

He fell out of party leadership after former Speaker Nancy Pelosi opted to stay on as leader, a move that bumped others down a chair. But Van Hollen’s new assignment as ranking Democrat on the House Budget Committee is a key post for the new minority to defend its legacy.

The budget panel is the front line for decisions on how fast and far to cut spending. Van Hollen promises a principled search for common ground.

“When we disagree, we should do it in a way that contributes to the dialogue,” he says.

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