Local jobs: Top five cities leading the turnaround

1. Elkhart-Goshen, Ind. – down 4.7 percentage points

MIRA OBERMAN/AFP/Getty Images/Newscom/File
Chelsey Nusbaum picks up baby supplies with the help of volunteer Phyllis Wells at the Church Community Services food bank in Elkhart, Ind., in October 2010. Boarded-up homes and empty storefronts dot this once prosperous Indiana town, but the latest unemployment numbers give reason for hope.

Once the poster child for the nation’s labor woes, Elkhart has seen its unemployment fall faster than any other metro area in the US. In the year since February 2010, the city has moved from an 16.3 percent unemployment rate to 11.6 percent. True, its unemployment is still above the national average, but the trend downward is unmistakable. A hub of manufacturing, especially the making of recreational vehicles, Elkhart has seen dramatic upticks in manufacturing and added nearly 6,000 jobs overall.

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