Just promoted to manager? Here are 11 ways to shine.

5. Stay true to yourself

Luke Frazza/AFP/Newscom/File
This 1999 file photo shows former US Attorney General Elliot Richardson testifying before the US House Judiciary Committee during impeachment hearings against Bill Clinton in Washington, D.C. The late Mr. Richardson resigned as attorney general in 1973 rather than follow President Nixon's order to fire Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox.

There will be times when you are not quite sure if what you are being asked to do is ethical. Presume good intent. Maybe you aren’t quite understanding what is being asked – or the person who is asking does not realize there is another way to accomplish the same results. But always take the high road. In the end, you are responsible for the decisions you make. And if unethical behavior is part of the organization’s culture, then you really have no choice but to resign.

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