The Teammates
I just finished The Teammates by David Halberstam. It’s a must read for anyone who loves baseball and certainly for any Red Sox fan. In 2001 Johnny Pesky, Dom DiMaggio (Joe’s brother), and Bobby Doar take a road trip from Boston to visit their old teammate from the 1940s Red Sox, Ted Williams. Ted’s health is not good and the three are afraid that this is the last time they may be able to get together. As it turns out, they are correct, but during the trip they reminisce about their days playing for the Sox. They were a really fine team, but often also-rans to the more talented New York Yankees. I wish my dad, who was a die-hard Red Sox fan for 50 years, were still around to read the baseball anecdotes that these four shared. Halberstam, an extremely talented writer of history and sports, whom we shall miss, really does a fine job with this story.