Rhyan du Peloux

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Hailing from France, Rhyan du Peloux is a 2022 graduate of Principia College. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, with a concentration in International Relations.

He sees his passion for writing and languages and his interest in diplomacy as assets to better understand the world and embrace cultural diversity.

Rhyan got his start in journalism at the age of 8, when he founded his (very) local newspaper Dixi & Co. This prestigious household paper featured various stories about and drawings of his lab Dixi, and published one copy yearly, printed in colorful markers.  

Years later, Rhyan added to his journalism résumé by publishing with The Principia Pilot, a college, student-run publication. While with The Pilot, he wrote stories on global politics, the French heritage of the St. Louis area, and the Olympics.

Stories by Rhyan du Peloux