Reporters on the Job

A Mother's Perspective: For today's story staff writer Ilene Prusher met with a mother with four sons in the Israeli army. Ilene asked her about what mothers are going through on the other side, in Lebanon. "She told me, 'It hurts me that it's like this. I don't feel guilty, but I do feel terrible that it's happening. Someone forced them to be in this situation, and it's not us. I'm angry that no one there takes responsibility for what's happening.' "

And as Ilene dodges Katyusha rockets while reporting, what is she hearing from her own mother in the US? "She calls me every two days. Normally, we'd speak once a week. She's sort of the family delegate; friends and family call her to find out if I'm safe. She lets me know that she's keeping me in her prayers."

No Pepsi or Coke, Thank You: While researching today's story about pesticide residues in Indian sodas, staff writer Scott Baldauf was struck by how many of the Indian brand sodas are actually owned by Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. He didn't find any data on whether Indian consumers had shifted their soda purchases over to Limca and Thums Up, brands which are owned by Coke.

And the beverage of choice in the Baldauf household? "I'm a tea man. My girls complain that soda is 'too spicy.' I think, for the under-6 crowd, that means 'too fizzy.' "

Follow-up on a Monitor story

A Maid's Memoir: After we published "Indian housemaid pens Dickensian memoir of poverty," on Aug. 7, readers wrote to request information on how to buy copy if "A Life Less Ordinary" by Baby Halder does not have a US publisher yet. But copies in English may be ordered from Zubaan Books, the Indian publisher. Please email:

– David Clark Scott

World editor

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