What's on TV
Larry King Live! (CNN, 9-10 p.m. and 12 p.m.-1 a.m.): King interviews Virginia Harris, chairman of The Christian Science Board of Directors. The board acts as publisher of the Monitor. This is King's second interview with Mrs. Harris. The first was in 1999.
Sunday 5/6
The PJs - 'Survival: In tha Hood' (The WB, 7:30-8 p.m.): Eddie Murphy satirizes "Survivor" with so much style and wit, it's a hoot. Alliances, schemes, immunity challenges, and bad tempers determine who wins the fabulous prize of $400.
Surviving K2 (CNBC, 8-10 pm): When 18 climbers set out together through blizzards and avalanches to climb K2 in the Himalayas, National Geographic Explorer is there. There's courage and sensitivity to beauty among these climbers - and sometimes bad attitudes. But it's gripping.
Follow the Stars Home (CBS, 9-11 p.m.): Hallmark Hall of Fame turns Luanne Rice's sad book into a poignant movie. Kimberly Williams stars as the mother of a seriously ill child. Her husband leaves her, but her mother and her loving brother-in-law (Campbell Scott) support her efforts to care for the disabled little girl. There's enough tragedy to feed a soap opera, but the writing is better than that. The best thing about it is the pervasive spirit of loving consideration the characters have for each other.
Monday 5/7
The Ultimate Guide: Pyramids (Discovery, 9-10 p.m.): The latest in the Ultimate Guide series: From China to Egypt to Mexico and Peru, pyramids have risen as high as eight stories and as low as six feet. How they were built and what they mean is explored, often through computer-generated images.
Friday 5/11
Wingspan (ABC, 9-11 p.m.): Paul McCartney talks about his life and family - from the breakup of the Beatles ("we all needed to move on") to the success of later endeavors - including "Wings." But the best thing about this well-made documentary is that Paul is interviewed by his daughter Mary.
The following are not necessarily recommended by the Monitor. All times Eastern, check local listings.
(c) Copyright 2001. The Christian Science Monitor