Today's Story Line

As flood waters continue to rise in Mozambique, the race to save lives continues on two fronts: rescue and aid to refugee camps.

Russia ramps up its publicity efforts amid a stream of reports about soldiers abusing Chechen civilians.

Made in the shade. Mexican coffee cultivated under a rain-forest canopy is fetching top peso. A small but growing shift in farming practices has far-reaching effects on the world's ecology.

While the euro stumbles, the German mark endures in Eastern Europe.

David Clark Scott World editor


* MORAL DILEMMA: As reporter Corinna Schuler flew over Mozambique, flood victims would look up expecting to be rescued by the UNICEF helicopter. "I felt very uncomfortable, thinking I was taking up space that could save a life," says Corinna. But a World Food Programme official told her that there's a direct correlation between media coverage and aid donations. Most of the aid, so far, has come from Britain because the British media have provided the most coverage.

* GOING UNDERCOVER: Reporter Andrew Downey recently moved to Rio and decided he ought to experience Carnival from the inside. First step, pick a samba school to gain entry into the parade. "I chose the Vila Isabel school, checked out the costumes online, and opted to go as a Beija Flor, although I had no idea what that might be. It was a nice color and didn't look too cumbersome or hot," says Andrew. After he e-mailed his order, he called a Brazilian friend who laughed, explaining that "I was going as a hummingbird." A couple of days later, the seamstress phoned to confirm his order and ask for a shoe size. He deposited 250 reales ($141) into her bank account. His costume arrives Saturday. The parade is Sunday night. "Actually, a humming bird might be appropriate - I still don't know the words of the school song."

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