Moving a computer
If you're moving, your computer will need special care. The best way to pack it is in its original box, but if that's not available, buy foam pads, Bubble Wrap, plastic bags, and antistatic bags.
Never use packing peanuts around a computer because they contain static electricity, which may damage the computer's components.
Before disconnecting the computer, back up all your data, just in case. Also, before unplugging cords or cables, label the cords and the ports they plug into with color-coded stickers. That will make reassembly easier. To prevent cables from becoming tangled, fasten them together with twist ties. To protect the mouse and block anything from getting inside the track ball, loop the cable in a long figure-8, fasten with a twist tie, and place the mouse and cable in a plastic bag.
Source: U-Haul
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