The Magic of Harry Potter

Blimey! not since the Beatles have so many Americans waited for a British import like this. It's a children's book series based on a lovable orphan named Harry Potter and his funny-horrible adventures at wizard school. The first two books are bestsellers (on the adult lists, no less). Demand for the third book in the seven-part series has devotees waving magic wands to get an early copy from England. The frenzy puts Star Trekkies to shame.

The English author, single-mother J. K. Rowling, has spun a vivid fantasy of mystery, horror, and sports around a reluctant superboy stuck with creepy relatives. Parents sneak-read the books after kids are asleep. School recesses are now spent in Harry Potter trivia contests.

Critics may ask if the books have the shelf life of "Charlotte's Web" or Huck Finn. But for now Harry Potter has, thankfully, revived children's literature. Most of all, he's rescued boys from video obsession and got them reading again. Now that's magic.

(c) Copyright 1999. The Christian Science Publishing Society

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