So you want to make a movie?
On average, an independent film can be produced for $1,000 for every minute of footage. But some claim they can trim the budget further. Here's how one beginner mapped his costs for a 15-minute film:
First, he was able to borrow a 16-mm camera. (If you can spend $4,000 on a digital camera, you can save approximately $6,000 on buying and developing film stock, and buying a telecine - a projecting apparatus).
Editing free
Food $476
Prints and videos $2,200
Film Stock $2,000
Developing $1,300
Telecine $3,000
Still photos $200
City permits $450
Sound equipment $650
Sound men $100
Sound edit $500
Music $75
Car rental $250
LIghting equipment $125
Insurance $1,100
Costumes and props $650
Makeup $250
Titles $1,100
Copyright $20
How-to books $200
Total: $14,646
Credit: The Web site