Israel-PLO talks can't erase past

Your chronology ``Selected Turns in Israeli-PLO Conflict,'' July 1, distorts and omits several key incidents.

Most egregious is the omission of incidents of PLO terrorism against Israeli civilians that formed the core and defined the course of Israeli-PLO relations. The PLO's current political approach does not erase 25 years of violence and bloodshed. Also missing is the 1964 PLO charter, which called for the destruction of Israel, and PLO support for Iraq's 1989 invasion of Kuwait.

Finally, Israel's invasion of Lebanon in June 1982 did not scuttle the rest of the Camp David accords. From the beginning, the Palestinians had consistently rejected the autonomy arrangements envisioned in the accords. Today's welcome progress in Israel-PLO relations should not serve as a pretense for rewriting history. Bluma Zuckerbot, New York Anti-Defamation League

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