White supremacist stands alone
Concerning the article, ``Pro-White Rally in Boston Prompts Little Sympathy,'' May 9: I have often wondered how one man like Richard Barrett, with his very few supporters (16 in Boston and I doubt any more than that in Mississippi) can get so much publicity and, as a result, cost cities so much time and money to protect him.
When he applies for his marching permits why can't cities send him their refusals and then forget it? If he comes in and marches anyway, arrest him. If the news media step in and make a big thing of it, as Barrett somehow assures that they will, then let them be responsible for all actions.
I understand that Richard Barrett is not a native Mississippian, that he is from New Jersey or somewhere up there. If he came to Mississippi seeking sympathizers, he sure hasn't found many. Mary M. Jones, Yazoo City, Miss.
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