Factories Don't Produce Milk, Cows Do

Thank you for the front-page article "Wisconsin - America's Dairyland No Longer," May 24. With all the talk of milk production and competition between California and Wisconsin, I find it interesting that not once does the author mention that this industry deals with living creatures. Dairy cows in factory farms live very brief and miserable lives. To increase production by decreasing the quality of these animals' lives is unethical. Social change is shaky if based on this foundation.

Because of your article, I will now seek out a Wisconsin label when buying dairy products. Cathy Woodworth, Sonoma, Calif. Factories Don't Produce Milk, Cows Do

The front-page article "Wisconsin - America's Dairyland No Longer," May 24, omits important facts necessary to understand the issues raised. Most fluid milk is produced near where it is consumed. Increased milk production in California reflects its burgeoning population. Wisconsin, with a much smaller population, exports much of its milk as cheese and butter. Even if overtaken by California in milk production, Wisconsin would still be America's dairyland, since it supplies a national market, while Califo rnia's dairy industry supplies primarily a local market. Eric J. Klieber, Cleveland Heights, Ohio Who are the newcomers?

I am pleased to see the special report "Hispanic Americans: Into the Mainstream," May 21. However, it is critical that you correct the impression that all Hispanics are recent immigrants. Hispanic settlers first came to New Mexico in the 16th century, and now face losing the political and economic control they once had here. Sandra Pinel, Santa Fe, N.M.

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