The MIA/POW cartoon
Cartoonist Jeff Danziger continues to amaze. His on target cartoons are sometimes only days from news stories that inspire his satire.
I particularly liked the one of June 29, "You don't exist!," which deals with the denials from the Pentagon that any United States troops were left behind in Vietnam (or other wars). The soldier in the drawing is reminiscent of cartoonist Bill Mauldin's characters of World War II, which appeared in "Stars and Stripes." His dog-face infantrymen also bore the brunt of the heaviest losses and went mostly unappreciated.
The political cartoonists' role is an important one. Through the ages, from Bruegel and Bosch to their modern counterparts, the caricature-cartoonist is intimately connected with the history of the way in which one class has looked at another. Larry Barbier, Cambria, Calif.
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