Australia - Travel Survival Kit, by Tony Wheeler, $19.95. The best-selling Lonely Planet title in the United States. A new edition will be available in August.
Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia - A Travel Survival Kit, by Daniel Robinson and Joe Cummings, $15.95. The only guidebook to cover these three countries in depth, it is recommended by Conde Nast Traveler and Travel and Leisure.
South-East Asia on a Shoestring, by Tony Wheeler, $14.95. Known as the "yellow bible" by travelers, the book covers Myanmar, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. The seventh edition is due out this month.
Thailand - A Travel Survival Kit, by Joe Cummings, $13.95. Lonely Planet's second bestseller in the US.
Eastern Europe on a Shoestring, by David Stanley, $21.95. The first travel book to cover the region, a new edition is now available.
Costa Rica - A Travel Survival Kit, by Rob Rachowiecki, $11.95. This best-selling guide was released in December.
Central America on a Shoestring, by Tom Brosnahan, Rob Rachowiecki, and Nancy Keller, $15.95. Due out in March, this guide offers budget travel advice for Belize, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
China - A Travel Survival Kit, by Joe Cummings and Robert Strauss, $19.95. This best-selling title was updated by two new authors in November to reflect the reemergence of China as a popular travel destination.
India - A Travel Survival Kit, by Geoff Crowther, Prakash Raj, and Tony Wheeler, $19.95. Another classic Lonely Planet title.