Reconciling Armed Borders and Free Trade
Population and African famineRegarding the opinion-page column "Move Past 'Donor Fatigue' on Africa Famine," July 16: While the author notes a variety of proposed actions to reduce and perhaps prevent future famines in the Horn of Africa, I am surprised he does not identify the exploding human populations as one of the causes, and very possibly the fundamental underlying cause, of recurring famines in Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia. Without addressing the problem of population explosion, all of the other proposed remedies will be of little avail. In fact, the identified causes of famine may be exacerbated if human population increases are not addressed. These three nations will almost triple their combined population of 80 million to 216.5 million by 2030. Such explosive population growth rates must be reduced if there is to be any hope of future famines being averted. A population program is the fundamental component in any remedy. G. Lloyd, Southwest Harbor, Maine
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