MAIN CURRENTS IN SOCIOLOGICAL THOUGHT: VOL. I & II by Raymond Aron, New York: Doubleday, 1970 A classic exposition of the classic founders of sociological thought including Comte, Marx, Tocqueville, and Weber.
HANDBOOK OF SOCIOLOGY edited by Neil J. Smelser, Newbury Park, Calif.:, Sage, 1988
A useful compendium that reviews the fields of sociology today.
COMING OF POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY by Daniel Bell, New York: Basic Books, 1976
An analysis of the major structural changes in Western society from industrialism to the information society.
FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIAL THEORY by James Coleman, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard, University Press, 1989
The most important recent effort to reorient sociological thought through the prism of ``rational choice'' theory. March 19: Economist Alice Rivlin March 26: Anthropologist Eric Wolf April 2: Political Scientist Thomas Ferguson April 9: Economist Murray Weidenbaum April 16: Sociologist Joyce Ladner April 23: Demographer Samuel Preston April 30: Psychologist M.Brewster Smith May 7: Conclusion: The social sciences in the 21st century
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