Robert Herrick on the simple things
Robert Herrick was a 17th-century Londoner who became a country parson, a skilled lyric poet longing for the city while learning to appreciate rural pleasures. Here, in ``His Grange, or Private Wealth,'' he celebrates the common things of life that always seemed to mean more to him than the public turbulence of his times. Though clock, To tell me how the night draws hence, I've none, A cock I have, to sing how day draws on. I have A maid, my Prue, by good luck sent To save That little Fates me gave or lent. A hen I keep, which, creaking day by day, Tells when She goes her long white egg to lay. A goose I have, which with a jealous ear, Lets loose Her tongue to tell what danger's near. A lamb I keep tame, with my morsels fed, Whose dam An orphan left him, lately dead. A cat I keep, that plays about my house, Grown fat With eating many a miching mouse. To these A Tracy [his spaniel] I do keep, whereby I please The more my rural privacy. Which are But toys to give my heart some ease: Where care None is, slight things do lightly please.