News In Brief

Reagan issues holiday messages

President Reagan issued separate messages Friday hailing Christmas as ''a celebration of interior treasures'' and the Jewish festival of Hanukkah as a tribute ''to the victory of freedom and righteousness.''

''More than any gift or toy, ornament or tree, let us resolve that this Christmas shall be, like that first Christmas, a celebration of interior treasures,'' the president said in his annual Christmas message.

''And let us resolve to share our many blessings with others now and in the year to come - from the hungry or the helpless near at hand to those in trouble or turmoil in distant lands from Africa to Asia and beyond,'' he said.

In his separate message ''to all those celebrating one of the most joyous times in the Jewish calendar, Hanukkah,'' Reagan noted that the celebration commemorates the Maccabees' victory over their foes 2,000 years ago.

''God blessed their efforts to retain an independent Jewish commonwealth and to preserve the Jewish religion,'' Reagan said. ''Today, their descendants have been similarly blessed.''

Noting that Hanukkah is called the festival of lights, Reagan said:

''The candles of the Menorah attest to the victory of freedom and righteousness. May their light be a source of strength and inspiration to all of you and to all of mankind.''

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