I just wanted to tell you I'm OK

July 3, 1966 This was the worst battle, as far as losses are concerned, that this company has experienced. I'm not able to go into details now, I'm still in a slight state of shock and very weary and shaken from the last three days.

I just wanted you to know that I'm OK. How I made it? I don't know. Perhaps you didn't read about it, but in case you did, I just wanted to tell you I'm OK.

Kenneth Peeples Jr.

Oct. 20, 1966 This morning, my platoon and I were finishing up a three day patrol. Struggling over steep hills covered with hedgerows, trees, and generally impenetrable jungle, one of my men turned to me and pointed a hand, filled with cuts and scratches, at a rather distinguished looking plant with soft red flowers waving gayly in the downpour, (which had been going on ever since the patrol began), and said, ''That is the first plant I have seen today which didn't have thorns on it.'' I immediately thought of you.

The plant and the hill upon which it grew, was also representative of Viet Nam. It is a country of thorns and cuts, of guns and marauding, of little hope and of great failure, yet in the midst of it all, a beautiful thought, gesture, and even person can arise among it waving bravely at the death that pours down upon it. Marion Lee (Sandy) Kempner March 18, 1968

As our chopper started lifting off, Charlie (Viet Cong) was shooting at it. I thought for sure we were going to get blown out of the air. When we got to Chu-lai there was just the three of us and what was left of Doug. They tried to save him but he stopped too much shrapnel....

Well that's it. No heroes like on TV. Everybody is just trying to stay alive. Dennis Lane April 15, 1968

My platoon leader was ... in command. Lt. Scott, a Negro from Rochester, N.Y. , graduated recently from the University of Syracuse. As the platoon moved toward the rear of the village automatic weapons fire suddenly came from a near wood line. Lt. Scott and one other man was killed, another seriously wounded. I was very close to Lt. Scott. I was his radio operator. He was a fine man - a good leader - yet he could not understand the whys of this conflict which called him 10,000 miles from his home, to a land of insects, poverty, and hostility - this conflict which killed him - why? Phil Woodall July 5, 1968

All together I think I have 13 wounds. Sounds like a lot doesn't it? But I'm gonna be OK, so don't worry. If I know you, Aunt Rose, you'll be worried about me until you see me, but don't worry, I promise you I'm OK. Well, Aunt Rose, how are you and Uncle Lee coming along? Gee, I hope everything is fine, and everyone is in good health. How's the kids? I hope they both are feeling well. Aunt Rose, just think in two weeks I'll be home. Wow! Can't wait to see you and Uncle Leo. I miss you both very much. Well, family, I guess I'll be cutting out for now. Be good and take good care. See you soon. Joe Parisi March 12, 1969

I guess I should be honest. I've been nominated, I hear, for the Silver Star, the third highest medal. Please don't get upset I didn't try to win it, I was just trying to keep my people alive and doing the best I could. I may not even get it, 'cause the reviewing board might knock it down to a Bronze Star. You know me so well, you know I'm lying if I say I'm not pleased. I am, I'm proud, but only the worst part of me. My better part is just so sad and unhappy this whole business started. Brian R. Sullivan Nov. 27, 1969

When I think of all these poor people here fighting hard to achieve what we Americans already have, I feel obligated. Henry Romero

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