Finding student financial aid info

I am a senior in high school who is planning to attend college and am uncertain of the financial aid to which I am entitled. I would appreciate any current information you could provide. - R. K.

The list of financial aid sources, scholarships, and loans available to students is a long one. With Reagan administration budget cuts, however, there will probably be fewer federal education assistance dollars available, so students will have to work harder to find other forms of aid.

One place to start would be the financial aid office of a college or university near you. Staff members can offer personalized help and show you a wide range of assistance programs. Your high school guidance counselor should also have some of this information available.

A good overview of many private and public aid programs is provided in a booklet published by the American Legion. It is titled ''Need a Lift?'' and is available for $1 through local American Legion posts or from the national headquarters. Write: The American Legion, National Emblem Sales, PO Box 1055, Indianapolis, Ind. 46206.

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