Presidential puzzlers

Presidents' Day (still officially Washington's Birthday) is observed the third Monday in February in the United States. That's this coming Monday - so let's celebrate!

See if you can answer these questions about our chief executives with two rhyming words. For example, the answer to "Herbert's windows" is "Hoover's louvers."

What about "T. Roosevelt's whirlpools"? Simple: Teddy's eddies!

Here are some more:

1. James K.'s family

2. Richard's foxes

3. Abraham's flicker

4. Eisenhower's vision

5. Andrew's yellow

6. Ulysses's insects

7. James' black birds

8. Washington's canyons

9. Benjamin's fort

10. William Howard's floating platform

11. Zachary's mariners

12. Coolidge's buddies

13. Rutherford's confusion

14. Cleveland's lawn

15. Gerald's blade


(1) Polk's folks; (2) Nixon's vixens; (3) Lincoln's blinkin'; (4) Dwight's sight; (5) Jackson's flaxen; (6) Grant's ants; (7) Monroe's crows; (8) George's gorges; (9) Harrison's garrison; (10) Taft's raft; (11) Taylor's sailors; (12) Cal's pals; (13) Hayes's haze; (14) Grover's clover; (15) Ford's sword.

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