Atlantic Profile

Population - Regional average net change(1980-1990): +6.62 percent. Racial Distribution - This region is predominantly white, with Pennsylvania turning in the most per capita at 93 percent. That state has the smallest percentage of blacks, while the other states' black populations range from about 14 percent to 25 percent. New York has the highest number of Hispanics at 12.3 percent, while Delaware's percentage is only 2.4. Asians make up less than 4 percent of the residents. Economy - Manufacturing, tourism, finance, communications, trade, services, transportation equipment, chemistry, forestry, agriculture, high technology, poultry, shellfish, auto assembly, food processing. Per Capita Income - Regional average (1990) - $21,504 Unemployment - Regional average (through August 1992) - 7.36 percent. Sources: *1990 census figures. The World Almanac and Book of Facts (1982, 1992), US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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