Examining Halth-care options

In the discussion surrounding a national health system, no one seems to mention that many United States citizens neither need nor desire medical care.

The number seeking naturopathic, holistic, or alternative health systems grows daily. In addition, for over a century a large segment of our population has relied exclusively on a spiritual basis for health and well-being. In my personal experience, living on a remote farm, my family sought medical care only as a last resort and found it scarcely needed.

Will the resources used by private individuals be dictated by a national health system? Will citizens not using the system be required to pay for it? Will the freedom of personal choice undergirding our society be trespassed for the "good of the whole"? Marie Shih, Seattle

Letters are welcome. Only a selection can be published, subject to condensation, and none acknowledged. Please address them to "Readers Write," One Norway St., Boston, MA 02115.

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