Hart seeks student support for his campaign

Sen. Gary Hart (D) of Colorado has announced formation of ''Students for Hart'' committees on 104 campuses in 35 states. Senator Hart, whose own involvement in politics began when he was a student, told a Boston news conference March 4 that student participation will be a vital part of his campaign. A self-acknowledged ''long shot,'' he has refused all contributions from political action committees, planning instead to run ''a grass-roots campaign.'' Aides to Senator Hart - whose campaign issues include as the nuclear arms race, the environment, and education - claim that he is the first of the current Democratic candidates to develop a nationwide student organization.

Sharing a platform the previous evening with five other Democratic hopefuls, he told 1,500 Massachusetts Democrats that his candidacy meant that ''the causes and concerns and commitments of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy will be heard in this race.''

Mr. Kennedy withdrew from the race last year. His support is eagerly being courted by the contenders.

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