Monday Sunrise Edition: New Orleans mostly dodges the Barry bullet

Only modest flooding could be seen from Lake Pontchartrain on Lakeshore Drive in New Orleans July 13, 2019.

AP Photo/Matthew Hinton

July 15, 2019

New Orleans was hit with flooding and power outages this past weekend. But many Crescent City residents found reasons to be grateful because a forecast triple whammy – high tide, storm surge, and river flooding – didn’t overwhelm the levee system.

Hurricane Barry was downgraded to a tropical depression Sunday as it crawled slowly north, still leaving more than 11 million people under flash-flood watches Sunday from the Gulf Coast up to Missouri. Some parts of Louisiana and Mississippi could see as much as 15 inches of total rain. 

One lesson from Hurricane Katrina (2005) was that some residents refused to evacuate because they didn’t want to leave their pets behind. This time, some shelters allowed pets. 

Why We Wrote This

Good morning! Welcome to your Monday, July 15, 2019, Sunrise Edition.

Here’s what happened this weekend (while you were dancing, bingeing “Stranger Things,” barbequing, and enjoying an off-line life).

Watch for the Monitor’s report from Louisiana in tonight’s Daily edition. 

ICE raids in moderation

Only a handful of arrests were made Sunday as planned coordinated federal raids in nine cities – to capture and deport some 2,000 people living in the U.S. illegally – were scaled back. This weekend, some church leaders and migrant support groups sought to quell fears in immigrant communities and offer help for those who might be detained. Arrests are expected throughout the coming week. 

The Monitor's View

Russia wises up to a Ukrainian strength

Arrivals along the U.S.-Mexico border plunged in June, suggesting the Trump administration’s push to slow the arrival of migrants is beginning to show results. A seasonal drop? Perhaps. But Mexico’s crackdown on migrants is proving unexpectedly popular among Mexicans.

Marathon at Wimbledon

The longest men’s finals match in the history of the Wimbledon tennis championship was an exhibition of focus, determination, and endurance. After nearly five hours, Novak Djokovic defeated Roger Federer for the title. This is Mr. Djokovic’s fifth Wimbledon win, and his 16th Grand Slam trophy overall. The only men ahead of him in tennis history: Mr. Federer with 20 titles and Rafael Nadal with 18. On Saturday, Romanian Simona Halep won her first Wimbledon championship, soundly defeating Serena Williams. 

What’s the buzz

Roofers to the rescue: When a fire broke out in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a roofing crew working at a nearby building didn’t hesitate to help. They saw a man calling for assistance from a second-story window. He was holding a 2-month-old girl. Mason Fierro and Jermaine Gallien ran over and the man dropped the baby into their outstretched arms. Then, the man disappeared and returned with a toddler boy and dropped him to the rescuers. The rest of the roofers arrived with a ladder and helped the parents out of the burning building. The rescue was caught on video. Some say the roofers deserve a hero’s reward. But Mr. Fierro said the father thanked him and that’s all he needed: “He might not remember my name or my face, but he knows that somebody helped and that’s all I care about.”

Soldier of the future?

Inventor Franky Zapata soars over Paris on a gas-turbine powered hover board near the Eiffel Tower during France's traditional Bastille Day military parade France, July 14, 2019.
REUTERS/Charles Platiau

Hidden gem

Start your week with a recent story that Monitor editors and readers are talking about.  

The Kremlin is all-in on war in Ukraine. That includes transforming Russia’s economy.

Why these Kentucky Democrats still love President Trump

Mike Reynolds (l.), a maintenance lineman, and Mark Lewis, a fireman, have lunch at the Frosty Freeze in Sandy Hook, the largest town in Elliott County. Mr. Reynolds, who voted for President Obama before voting for President Trump in 2016, says he’s a registered Democrat because of local tradition. “If I said I was a Republican I’d get shot by my dad,” he says with a laugh.
Story Hinckley/The Christian Science Monitor

This week’s look ahead:

Revisit the idealism, bravery, and awe of the moon race. Here are a few highlights of the Apollo 11 50th anniversary events this week celebrating humanity’s first trip to the moon.

Tuesday, July 16, @ Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida.

At 9:32 a.m. EDT, visitors will be able to watch original footage of the Apollo 11 launch precisely 50 years after the event.

5-10 p.m. Apollo 11 Gala featuring astronauts, Apollo 11 families, and space legends. Dress code: Golden Galactic (black or white tie with a twist). Tickets started at $1500 but are sold out. 

Saturday, July 20, @ Space Center Houston.

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Neil Armstrong’s “one giant leap for mankind” with a day of events, including inspiring speakers, lunar module presentations, the Golden Knights parachutists, a live outdoor concert, and more.  

July 15-20 @ sites around the U.S.

The Apollo Next Giant Leap Student (ANGLeS) Challenge: A competition for students to re-create the Apollo 11 landing using drones and robots, focusing on underserved communities.

Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong inside the Lunar Module on July 21, 1969, after he and Buzz Aldrin finished their moon walk.
Buzz Aldrin/NASA via AP

Apollo audio, anyone? Check out some of the best lunar podcast series ranging from the cleverly named “Cigarettes and Rocket Fuel” to “13 minutes to the Moon.”

Fancy yourself as a space history buff? Take our lunar landings quiz

Other noteworthy events this week ...

Tuesday, July 16, in Washington, D.C.

Big Tech trust issues: Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple execs face questions from the House Judiciary Committee’s antitrust subcommittee as part of an investigation into their market influence. Expect questions about privacy, free speech, political bias, and cryptocurrency. 

Thursday, July 18

Rohingya update: The U.N. human rights representative in Myanmar is to hold a news conference at the end of her July 8-18 trip to Thailand and Malaysia.

Sneak peak

In tonight’s Daily edition, watch for our story about Canada’s reconciliation efforts with its indigenous people. Did Prime Minister Justin Trudeau deliver on his promises?

This Friday, look for our audio interview with two of the four living astronauts who have visited the moon. 

Finally, check out the Monitor’s five best stories in last Friday’s subscription-only Daily edition:

  1. US-Iran escalation: It’s message-sending, but the risks are high
  2. In high-profile sex abuse cases, is balance of power shifting?
  3. Drawn to the US border, volunteers weave a safety net
  4. Movies that capture the moon’s wonder
  5. Come for the rodeo, stay for the bug-covered ice cream

This is a beta test. For the next few Mondays, we’ll be experimenting with an early morning news update. Please give us your feedback via the link below and let us know what you think. Thank you!