Chelsea Clinton considering politics: A look back on all the presidents’ kin

Chelsea Clinton tells Vogue she’s considering politics and kids, yet again stoking the public fascination with America’s royalty: all the presidents’ kin.

Chelsea Clinton considering politics, sparks renewed interest in former White House kin who follow in their parents' political footsteps. Here, Ms. Clinton speaks during a panel discussion regarding technologies for economic empowerment at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York on Sept. 22, 2011.

Lucas Jackson/Reuters

August 15, 2012

Chelsea Clinton’s interview with Vogue suggesting she’s changed her mind and may be open to running for public office is hardly a surprise. All the presidents' children have always been a magnet for public fascination and attention, and plenty of them end up in – or on the periphery of – politics. (Think of those children of presidential politics who have not faded into obscurity: Caroline Kennedy and her brief flirtation with running for the US Senate and her endorsement of President Obama; Mary and Liz Cheney who have been active in Republican politics; not to mention "W" son of the first President Bush).

White House families are the closest thing to American royalty. Presidential family-watching can be great relief from partisan politics if you’re not a hard-core political junkie. The Obama girls – the oldest of which, Malia, is already sparking speculation she'll be stumping for dad – are as interesting to watch as Prince William and bride Kate.

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Likewise, in 1993 when Chelsea became the first child to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue since 1981 when another frizzy red-headed kid in braces, Amy Carter, left the White House, she was as fun to read about as Princess Diana was at the time.

A story I wrote at the time about the obsession with Chelsea quoted Bill Trice, a Little Rock attorney and a Clinton family friend whose son was close to Chelsea since preschool: "Chelsea is not newsworthy. Even positive press is, in a way, an intrusion into living a normal life."

But the fact is, White House kids – and the kids of those who aspire to the White House – are newsworthy. Any parent knows that their families are a reflection of them in some way – their tastes, values, and character are symbolic, fair or not. Fortunately the eyes of just our small civic circles are on us and our families - but a president simply can’t avoid public interest in his or her family. As a parent, I like  watching the first families – the Obama girls seem poised and worthy of holding up to my own daughter as examples of tasteful dressing (no bare bellies and bra straps there), Michelle Obama's anti-childhood-obesity campaign is a genial model for our household (we keep the McNuggets to a minimum); I liked Laura Bush's seeming calm through her kids' teen years (there's something soothing about literacy advocacy).

As Barbara Kellerman, a leadership consultant who wrote the book “All the President’s Kin” told me when I wrote that 1992 story: "We don't have a royal family, but this man and those closest to him are the focus of all the intellectual, spiritual, and political energies [for the nation]... The lines between political, rock, and Hollywood star roles are blurred, and the first family takes on the vestments of political stardom."

A president can, on the other hand, bring all his powers to bear on drawing a ring around the child. Often the press lays off – the press was generally soft on the Bush girls until they came of age and did what kids coming of age generally do.

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Chelsea, it turns out, is quite newsworthy. Now an NBC news correspondent, granting a lengthy interview, and glamorous photo shoot, with Vogue is clearly a calculated publicity move – to what end, she has a long career ahead to show us.

For those who love to read about White House families, here are some links to some enlightening coverage of presidential families past:

* Chelsea Clinton: First Kid in America's fishbowl

Obama dog arrives at the White House

* Whatever happened to Amy Carter?

* Walking the campaign trail in parents' shoes

* Liz Cheney: More political dynasties?

* Political dynasties from the Bidens to the Kennedys

* Political kids: Legit news or tabloid topic