Introducing FIXcast: Fighting Modern Slavery

In this new podcast episode from 'FIXcast,' a podcast on progress from The Christian Science Monitor, Samantha Laine and Stacy Teicher Khadaroo discuss human trafficking in tandem with the Monitor's series.

'FIXcast,' a podcast on progress from The Christian Science Monitor.

January 11, 2016

It has been more than 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation outlawed slavery in the United States, but slavery has yet to become a thing of the past. Millions of people worldwide are forced to work against their will every day, in unspeakable conditions, while under the threat of physical and psychological harm. These are today's modern slaves. 

While this issue continues to pervade nearly every country and industry, there are those who refuse to accept human trafficking as part of our culture and tirelessly work to fight it. In doing so they have paved paths towards progress that are changing the industry and highlighting new ways to address the challenges in fighting trafficking.

In this new podcast episode from "FIXcast," a podcast on progress from The Christian Science Monitor, staff Samantha Laine and Stacy Teicher Khadaroo discuss human trafficking in tandem with the Monitor's series, "How to Free Modern Slaves." They are joined by Stephanie Richard of the Los Angeles-based Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking and Meredith Dank of the Urban Institute in DC to discuss the biggest challenges surrounding human trafficking – as well as credible paths towards a free future. 

Click here for the the complete trafficking series. Click here to find the podcast on iTunes. 

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