Defending a nation from within God’s love

God is guiding the prayers of service members, veterans, and non-military civilians alike. 

November 9, 2023

Veterans Day in the United States each November is a time when Americans acknowledge and appreciate the work service members do to defend the rights and freedoms of their fellow citizens. In that effort, individuals often face unique challenges and dangers that prompt powerful prayers.

Here’s a selection of articles from the archives of The Christian Science Publishing Society that includes accounts of protection and spiritual growth during active duty and healing after returning home, as well as prayers from civilians hoping to support those who have laid their lives on the line.

There can come times when military personnel wonder whether their work has made a positive impact. In “Good that’s never wasted,” the writer shows that any good we have done has come straight from God and therefore cannot be lost.

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Civilians can effectively pray for those who have served and those who are serving, knowing that God tenderly cares for each of His children, the author of “Veterans and God’s healing love” writes.

Having learned to listen for divine inspiration as a youth, the writer of “Thank you for listening” shares how this practice protected him and another during a United States Marine Corps mission.

A return to Vietnam” describes how peace of mind and healing are within reach, even when we feel weighed down by guilt and anger, as we turn to a spiritual view of existence.

In “Divine Love – our home base,” a military family member practiced looking beyond a limited sense of life to limitless God when her family was moving frequently, and found a greater sense of security, comfort, and right activity.

The writer of “Faithful service” shares how we can find freedom from destructive thought patterns when we’re willing to see God’s children as they truly are, spiritual and good.