The breath of Spirit

Divine inspiration reveals what we all are as children of God – spiritual, pure, strong, joyful, united – and empowers us to actively live those qualities, as this poem conveys.

November 5, 2021

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1

The breath of Spirit voiced God’s Word:
The cosmos thus God-given;
And Love saw “it was very good”* –
All things in earth and heaven.

Hence man was formed by Spirit pure –
The breath of inspiration;
One cannot ask for any more,
This is our sure foundation.

In Kentucky, the oldest Black independent library is still making history

Embraced in Love, in Truth, in Life –
In God we have our being;
Each breath of prayer unites us all:
In Spirit is true seeing.

Oh, let us live as Spirit guides,
To follow all Thy ways,
For in Thy purity we live,
Oh, sing with joy and praise!

*Genesis 1:31

Originally published in the March 4, 2019, issue of the Christian Science Sentinel.