What are you watching? We want to know

We've started a new feature that will present reader-provided suggestions for worthy viewing, and we'd like to hear from you.

'The Crown' stars Matt Smith (l.) and Claire Foy (r.).

Robert Viglasky/Netflix/AP

February 6, 2018

Tell us, and your fellow Monitor readers, what you’ve been enjoying lately, whether it’s a streaming TV series, a broadcast show, the DVD of a 1930s screwball comedy, or something completely different. 

“What are you watching?” is a new feature that presents reader-provided suggestions for worthy viewing. 

Send us an email at whatareyouwatching@csmonitor.com and tell us about your latest discovery, old or new, and why you liked it. 

In Kentucky, the oldest Black independent library is still making history

Don’t forget to include your full name and where you’re from.